Elementary and middle school students are invited to a special workshop during which they will create 1-3 seasonal non-denominational gifts for loved ones. They'll also enjoy a bit of supervised free time inside SPI Spot, and learn some chemistry and environmental science through engaging demos. This is a DROP-OFF program designed to give caregivers a chance to enjoy three hours of free time to relax or attend to holiday tasks!
1. Participant ages - We are opening both sessions to a broad range of ages (to keep things easier for caregivers who have siblings in different grades), but have made plans to modify the agenda and activities as needed in accordance with the ages and interests of registered attendees.
2. Participant interests - The program is intended for kids who have some interest in hands-on "maker" (aka craft) projects. It is only open to kids who are currently enrolled in grades K-7 AND aged 5 or older (including homeschoolers, who must be at least 5 years old). If your child is in 6th or 7th grade, please consider their ability to interact positively with younger attendees since they will serve as de facto role models for the "littles." Participants need to be independent with bathroom skills, unless you send a professional adult aide to attend to his/her needs.
3. Supervision and facilitation - SPI staff and student volunteers (high school and college age) will engage, monitor, and assist your kids for three hours. This includes an MVHS student whose efforts with this workshop will helpers earn a Global Scholars Diploma.
4. Program fee and discounts - The program fee is $30 per child which includes the cost of caregiving, private access to SPI during atypical hours, and the materials needed for the gift projects. We will extend a sibling discount of $10 off the total for families registering TWO kids and $20 off the total for families registering THREE or more children from your household. (We will also offer a need-based discount of 50% off per child to any family who can verify their income eligibilty with an EBT card).
5. Program Times - There are two optional time slots (a morning and afternoon session option) for this program, to accommodate a wider range of family schedules.
A drop off program like this requires us to collect permission and waivers from a parent or legal guardian. DO NOT register on behalf of extended family, friends, or other children for whom you are not a legal guardian.
If either session fails to meet our minimum enrollment threshold of 10, we will cancel that session and give parents the option to switch their child(ren) to the other session if spaces remain. (Please tell your friends about this opportunity!)
There will be no refunds on registration unless SPI cancels a session, even in the event of illness or family emergency.
Participants must currently be in grades kindergarten to 7.
Maximum: 5
Registration starts on 12/13/2024 and ends on 12/20/2024.
Please contact SPI if you have any questions.